About Me

Timaru, New Zealand
This photo/travel blog contains the accounts of my life as a photographer, world traveler, outdoor enthusiast, camp counselor, newlywed and star wars nerd. I am an American who grew up in Southeast Asia as an expat kid and have traveled to eighteen countries in my twenty-two years of life so far. I recently married a kiwi and have found myself to be an expat again, this time in the South Island of New Zealand. I dedicate this blog to the wanderlust that lives inside us all. May your lust for foreign soil and adventure thrive until your very last breath.

Blog Archive

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Zuchinni Zeal

I am growing a veggie garden for the first time in my life. This garden is not attractive in the slightest. There are weeds everywhere and between a sheep, a puppy, various worms, birds and rabbits, things have become hilariously messy. This garden screams, "Hi, I was raised in big cities, never mowed a lawn and failed my eighth grade plant-growing science fair project." However, yesterday I discovered that among my eleven veggies growing, my very first sprouting is happening. I don't think that "sprouting" is the right word, but edible, green food has erupted from the ground by my own hands. Two zuchinni are poking out from among the soil and leaves and I am beyond stoked. I cannot wait to feast on these babies.


  1. You're such a little gardner. It's really cute. PRODUCE!

  2. Thank you! I'm very proud of myself! We're going to have a veggie feast when we get back from holiday!
